By Mary de Wet
September 29, 2021
Vietnam has recently announced the removal of the restriction on Canadian cereal grains, allowing shipments to resume after a hiatus since 2018. This update comes as great news for the agricultural industry, as it opens up new opportunities for trade between the two nations.
The restriction was initially imposed due to concerns regarding the presence of creeping thistle, a weed commonly found in various countries of the Northern Hemisphere, including Canada. Cereals Canada, the industry association for cereals in Canada, confirmed the change and emphasized the potential risk of commercial penalties associated with Canadian grain cargoes.
Cereals Canada's Chief Executive, Dean Dias, expressed enthusiasm about the lifting of the non-tariff trade barrier and stated that Canada is eager to resume regular cereals trade with Vietnam. Prior to the restriction, Canada had been shipping more than 200,000 metric tons of wheat to Vietnam annually. However, in 2021, due to the restriction, Canadian wheat exports to Vietnam witnessed a significant decline, totaling just over 20,000 tons.
With the removal of this restriction, exporters and stakeholders can look forward to a renewed partnership between Canada and Vietnam in the cereal grains market. The resumption of shipments will contribute to strengthening bilateral trade relations and foster further growth opportunities for both countries.
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