These are the Biggest Money Mistakes We Make in Our 20s, 30s, and 40s

A Proposal to Overcome Social Security's Deficit

Investors Shun High-Yield Debt ETFs Despite Gains as Broader Bond Market Stumbles

Why You Can (Mostly) Trust the Stock Market's Current "Buy" Signals

Three Reasons Investors Have Fallen in Love with Home Builders' Stocks

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The stock market likes to climb a wall of worry — but now that’s crumbling

Market-timers are eagerly buying this rally — a signal for contrarian-minded investors to step aside.

Dividend stocks are dirt cheap. It may be time to back up the truck.

Dividend stocks’ yields are the highest, relative to the S&P 500, that a veteran fund manager has ever seen.

Bitcoin is undervalued now — but just look at its projected long-term return

Bitcoin’s fair value is about $31,400, according to one respected forecasting model.

Hope in meme stocks springs eternal, no matter how dismal their performance.

How to tell if it is worth avoiding taxes with a municipal-bond ETF

Depending on your tax federal tax bracket and which state you live in, municipal-bond funds may be excellent income generators for you.

Want to live better in retirement? The trick is easy — and surprising.

Stock-market return makes surprisingly little difference

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